If you are buying a lice shampoo in Dubai for your child, you must know that it is safe for children. Insecticides kill these tiny insects, which are fruity-smelling. Insecticides are also very effective against head lice. Most lice shampoos are available over the counter and are safe for children provided they are used properly. However, many people do not follow directions and end up using products that do not work.
Head lice are tiny, 6-legged insects:
To buy a lice shampoo, you need to know a little bit about head-lice biology. To start, you need to know that head lice are extremely tiny, about the size of a sesame seed. They live for up to 30 days on the head of an infected person. Lice will also live on other people’s heads, so you should check your child’s hair regularly for signs of lice.
They are killed by insecticides:
Be sure to know how insecticides kill lice before buying a lice shampoo or other product. Insecticides can be extremely toxic to humans, so it’s important to choose an effective lice killer that won’t harm your child or cause adverse side effects. Also, make sure to ask your doctor whether insecticides are safe for your child’s skin. Also, don’t use products designed for other insect problems.
They can be treated at home:
One effective lice treatment method is to use anti-lice hair products. These products are readily available over the counter (OTC) and may also be prescribed by a doctor. The key is to choose a product that is appropriate for the child’s age, as some products are safe for babies as young as two months, and some are only effective for older children. You can also consult a pharmacist to determine which lice-killing product is the right one for your child.
They can spread to other family members:
While using lice shampoo, it is important to remember that these creatures can be spread from one person to another, even within the same household. Keeping your children away from head-to-head contact at home and school is essential to prevent the spread of lice. Parents should also check their children who have been in close contact with someone who has lice and treat them as soon as possible. When using lice shampoo, remember to target the nits close to the scalp to treat them.